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Rabbits mating behavior

22 9:45:54

I recently got two rabbits one neutered male and one unspayed female. The female is a lop breed and not sure of the male. They are 1.5 years old and have always been together. They were in a smaller cage, So I got them a bigger one and now they seem to try and hump each other and chase each other all the time. They didn't do this as much until we changed to the bigger cage. The female seems to be shedding a bit more than she was now to. Not sure what I should do. Or if it will pass. If information would be helpful. Thank you

Dear Jennifer,

The rabbits are exhibiting territorial dominance behavior.  Since I don't know who's mounting whom, I can't say for sure.  But it's very likely that the unspayed female is also sexually frustrated and is mounting the male because of that.  He mounts her back in a display of dominance, and it will just escalate into fighting if you do not take measures to stop this.

The most important thing is to have her spayed.  Not only will this reduce the sexual/territorial behavior, but it will prevent her from developing uterine cancer (very high risk in unspayed females). Please read:

Next, be sure you are providing them with enough space to get away from each other.  A cage smaller than 36" cube is too small for two rabbits (or even one), since they are active and need to run and play.  A puppy pen is ideal, but even that is too small for constant life.  They need to get out and have protected, free running time for several hours a day.  Please see these helpful articles for all the information you need to keep your bunnies healthy and happy:

Also see:

I hope this helps get you on the road to peaceful harmony in your home.
