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Stillborn Kit

22 11:12:33

 I wrote you yesterday about my rabbit going into premature labor. She was bred on Sept. 10th but started building a next yesterday morning. She delivered one large stillborn kit this afternoon. She did the same thing on August 28th. One large kit that was dead. I bred her to a different male this time, so I don't know why this is happening.
 Should I try to rebreed her? If so, how soon since she just went through two kindlings with no live births?
 I was also told that Holland Lops are hard to breed and good does are hard to find. That it is comman for Holland Does to have stillbirths and to not be good mothers. Is this true?

Thank again, Susan

Generally they are easy to breed, although you do run into the few does that are unreceptive and don't like to be pregnant. This could be the issue with your doe.
I always recomend 3 chances for the does. Since she is having babies then you know she can get pregnant. There may have been something wrong with the kit, and it was too far along for her body to absorb, so automatically it aborted. THe kit was probably going to be too big for her to have and this is why she had it early, rather than risk her life.
Best thing to do is to make sure you breed her to a buck smaller than her, and of the same breed. I also add a tablespoon or two of vinegar to the does water that I am going to breed for 3 days prior to breeding them if i find they are unreceptive or have difficult births. I read this on a post somewhere, and decided to try it. It does make things better it seems.
Like I said before, generally hollands are usually easy to breed, and I find them as some of the best foster moms there are.