Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabbit might have snuffles

My rabbit might have snuffles

22 10:33:06

Just last week I purchased a bunny from our local pet store. From the minute I took her home, she sneezed quite a bit and constantly had a white mucus coming out of her nose.  I did call the pet store owner and he suggested I return the rabbit when I told him I would probably take her to my vet. I know from reading up on this disease that snuffles is highly contagious to other rabbits.  My question is, can my dog also get it?  She loves the rabbit and is always trying to lick her.  I have been keeping the two of them apart.  I would appreciate any help you can give me.
Thank you,

Dear Carolyn,

Fear not.  "Snuffles" is actually NOT highly contagious between rabbits.  It's usually a sign of poor husbandry, so I'm glad you got your pal out of that pet store (though the poor baby probably started the problem at the breeder's where she was born).  Her only real chance of recovery is with you.  If you return her to the pet store, they will likely return her to the breeder and I don't want to think of what would happen to her there.  (Hint:  It would not be a long, happy life.)

This problem is not difficult to treat.  Please read:


and find a good rabbit vet here:

Now that your bunny is in a safe home where she'll have good care and a proper diet:

she'll get the strength to heal herself, as long as she has the help of you and a good rabbit vet.

Your dog and cat cannot get sick from this same bacterium if they have normal, healthy immune systems, so don't worry about that.  (The cat can transmit potentially dangerous bacteria to the rabbit, but not vice versa.)

I hope this will help get your new little pal on the road to complete recovery and a happy, long life with you.
