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Pneumonia/Weakening limbs

22 11:24:35

My lop ear rabbit developed pneumonia recently. After 3 days of medication she appears to be much better however she also develop weakening limbs. She is unable to stand/hop and has to crawl inorder to get around.

Any reason for that and how do we treat it ? I am also concern that she might develop bed sores due to the urine/poo being struck.

Dear Daphne,

The weakness/paresis may not have anything *directly* to do with the pneumonia, but it sounds as if your poor bunny is severely compromised and immunosuppressed.  Has the vet given her subcutaneous fluids, to be sure she's well hydrated?  Dehydration can cause severe weakness, lethargy, and can prevent healing.  Also, dehydration will cause any matter in her lungs to be much harder for the cilia in her respiratory passages to push up into her throat so she can swallow it and get it out of her body.  Hydation is *essential* for a bunny suffering from respiratory ailments.

It is also possible that, being immunocompromised, she is showing symptoms from a secondary infection with a parasite known as Encephalitozoon cuniculi. This is just a guess, but it is quite possible.  For more information on the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder, please see:

If her bottom is messy from mushy poops, please also see:


If you're not sure your vet is experienced enough with rabbits to treat these problems, you can find another vet here:

I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
