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Dandruff vs fur mites

22 11:22:19

I just got a new 8 week old baby black bunny I was petting her and I noticed she had little white flakes on her head that looked like dandruff.  More appeared as I pet her.

She was living outside in a cage before I got her, and so I was wondering if the white flakes might be something like fur mites of fleas? Or is it just dry skin?

She doesn't have any crusty patches or anything like that, just the white flaky stuff.

Thank you.

Dear Kelly,

Sounds like fur mites (Cheyletiella) to me.  These are best treated with Revolution (selamectin) from your vet.  DO NOT use Frontline, as it can be fatal to rabbits.

For complete information, please read:

and you can find a good rabbit vet here:

Hope that helps!
