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Rabbit Deterrent

22 11:22:19

Hello There,

I know this is a bizarre question, but any advice you would have would be most appreciated.

I live in a suburb of Milwaukee WI, and rabbits frequent my yard. I am an overall animal lover - but my dog eats the rabbit droppings left by Peter Cotton Tail. Is there anything that I could put in my yard that the rabbit would not like - enough to stop returning? I obviouosly have no interest in harming the rabbits - I was wondering if a plastic predator (eg owl) would do such a thing? Other idea?

Abby (our Sheltie/Pommeranian Mix) suffers no adverse effects from eating rabbit poop - other than horrible breath that is 'gutteral' in its form (no brushing of teeth will help).

Again, sorry for the bizarre answer - just trying to improve my dog breath.   :)

Thanks in Advance,

Yes, dogs do like to eat poop, mine does the same.

The only thing that my father (who has a garden, and who hates rabbits in his garden) has found to work is a rabbit repellant.  There are many different kinds, liquid and granules.  This is one -  

You have to keep reapplying them.

Option B is to take hardware cloth and run it around the entire bottom of your fence, if your yard is fenced in, so they can't go through the fence.  

Unfortunately, the owl won't work.  Barriers work best for persistent little bunnies.
