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over heating

22 11:36:04

How do I tell if my rabbits are over heated?
How do I prevent this?
How do I treat this?

Dear Phil,

An overheated rabbit will be lethargic, lying as flat as possible to increase surface area, and pant very quickly.  A rabbit with heat stroke will be unresponsive, with pale lips and gums, and is close to death.

Rabbits evolved in a cool climate, and are not well adapted to survive when temperatures rise above 80 Farenheit.  It is absolutely critical to provide a cool refuge where a bunny can retreat when it's hot:  in the wild, they enter their cool underground burrows or lie in moist soil under bushes to keep cool.  A domestic rabbit deprived of this type of refuge is in great danger of heat exhaustion/heat stroke.

To prevent heat stroke, keep bunnies indoors in air conditioning when the temperature is above 80 Farenheit.  If this is absolutely impossible, then a well ventilated area in complete shade is mandatory, and jugs filled with water and frozen should be provided so the bunny may lie against (or close to)it to keep cool.  It also helps to wet a large towel and drape it over the hutch to provide evaporative cooling.  A cool, smooth stone such as a slab of marble or granite can provide a pleasant place for the bunny to stretch out on, as long as it's cool and in the shade.

Treating heat stroke is not easy, and rabbits can quickly die from overheating.  If you think a bunny is suffering from overheating, bring him indoors into cool air conditioning immediately, and place ice bags around his body.  Rub the ears with ice cubes, as these are highly vascularized and can help quickly cool the bunny.  While you begin these cooling procedures, call your rabbit vet immediately for help and an emergency appointment.  The bunny may require subcutaneous fluids and other supportive treatments if he is to survive.

The best treatment is no treatment:  keep the bunny inside, safely cool, and you will never have to deal with this terrible problem.

I hope this helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
