Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 6 weeks

6 weeks

22 9:59:16

I have a 6 week and 3 day old bunny and i cannot tell what the sex is. I have another rabbit who is way bigger than it and can tell it's a girl. I have seen pics but i still cant really tell can you help me or do i need to wait till it is older?

Younger rabbits are more difficult to determine the sex, but it is still possible to do so. If you have seen the pictures and know how to properly check the sex and are still having problems, I would wait until the rabbit is a little older and try again. The sex should become more obvious as your rabbit gets older.

Another option is to ask a breeder is your area for help determining your rabbit's sex. If you are not familiar with breeders, a quick google search should help you find some in your area. Most are more than happy to help pet owners out.