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Rabbit get blisters on privates

22 10:56:41

I was recently given a rabbit that gets blisters on her privates frequently. the vet gave them terrimycin ointment to put on for ten days,and I wanted to find out more about this problem they are on vacation and i forgot what it was called but the said she couldn't have live babies unless it went away for good, is their a cure? they said it not contagious.  Thank You  

Dear Lyndell,

Without seeing the lesions, I can't really tell what they are.  But did the vet suggest it might be rabbit syphilis (Treponema cuniculi)?  If so, then the treatment used by our most rabbit-savvy vets is one  injection of bicillin (Penicillin-G Procaine plus Benzathine) every 48 hours for seven days.  

Please ask the vet what the condition is, and if it's not rabbit syphilis, please let me know so I can offer some suggestions, if you need them.  Before you consider breeding your bunny, please read:

Hope this helps.
