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getting pregnant after male sterilisation

22 11:18:29

Hi, I have a female rabbit, which is living with a male rabbit that has been altered.  The vet advised not to put them together for 10 days, and, as he has had to live in a small hutch until the 10 days were up, on the 11th day we put them together in their run, this was on 30th June, well today the doe is making a nest, could she be pregnant? or is it a phantom pregnancy, she has made a small nest once before, but that was before we got the male rabbit, which originally we were told was a female, but upon discovery of she being a he, we had to take this course of action.
I'm not sure whether i should take the male out, just in case?
Any advice gratefully received

It can occassionally take a little longer for the male to be completely sterile. It is also completely possible that your female is going through a false pregnancy. Rabbits that go through one once are more likely to go through one again. I would take the male out for now, just to be sure.

I would also advise getting the female spayed, as well, both to prevent her from getting pregnant and for her health. Even though your male is neutered, strange things have happened. A loose rabbit might get to her (rabbits have been known to breed through cage wire), and people have occassionally found a random rabbit in their rabbit's cage (of if the cage is indoors, in the rabbit's outdoor playpen) with their rabbit. In fact, I just recently got a question about that. Someone had put a male rabbit in with their female, and they have no idea who might have done so. Plus, as mentioned, it is good for her. It will prevent uterine and overian cancer (which can severely shorten a rabbit's lifespan), and it can also stop the false pregnancies.