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Leg problem

22 11:13:16

My rabbit is 4 years old.  Recently, I find that she has some leg problem.  It seems she is not using her hind leg and lean her body to the front when she hop.  The longer I let her out, the worse her hind leg is.  At first it will be like she is hopping with her hind legs pointing to the right.  When she hop a few more steps, she will let the front leg pulling her hind leg as she hop alone.  She eats and shit well.  she didn't injured herself.  She can stand well with her hind leg when she asked for food.  We brought her see the Vet and the Vet told us she might have some nerve problem and loss sensation.  The Vet gave us some pain killer. I'm not sure what else we can do for my rabbit?  She got desexed half year ago.  Does it have anything to do w/ her hind leg problem?  I'm seeking a second advise.

Hi Wendy,

I'm glad you wrote, but watch the bathroom language.  As I read your letter I am thinking English may not be your first language, and you may have used a term you thought was fine but in reality it is a curse word.

Your vet probably gave her a painkiller (most likely metacam, also known as meloxicam) because it reduces swelling too.  If the nerve was pinched because of swelling, he may be thinking it will help the swelling go down and help the nerve problem.

I am not sure if her spay operation has something to do with it, but it could.  How soon did the leg problem occur after her spay operation?  I do know of cases where rabbits are injured in operations because they are under too lightly and (as their legs are in restraints in order to operate) they buck or kick while their legs are restrained and wind up breaking a leg or back and become paralyzed.

Did the vet ever say anything about a back injury?  I would have them look at her back (an xray) and also an xray of her legs/pelvis area to make sure there wasn't any damage that is causing the loss of using her legs.

She definitely has a medical problem and a good rabbit vet needs to examine her.  You may need to go to a vet that has more experience with rabbits so you waste less time and money and get the right diagnosis and treatment in less time.
