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liver problems?

22 10:09:14

My bunny has been having difficult fighting mites for a 3 months now which has just been sent off to the lab for testing. He also has had a urinary test done to determine any underlying illness that is preventing him from fighting off the mites, although he has had a very stressful year with abscesses and major surgery.

He has no blood in his urine however it was a brownish colour (similar to a cup of tea!) therefore my vet couldn't distinguish whether or not he had any problems with his liver.

I am concerned that his urine should not be that colour now and wondered whether or not it is a 'normal' colour.

He is eating, drinking and acting fine.


Dear Suzan,

Liver problems are not detected in the urine.  To check liver function, a blood sample should be taken so that the levels of various enzymes and other values can be assessed.  At that time, kidney function and other general values can be read, as well as a blood cell count to check for things like cryptic infection or anemia.

If you're not sure your vet is experienced with rabbits, you can find a rabbit vet here:

for a second opinion.

What treatment was given for the mites?  We have found that Revolution (selamectin) offers the safest and most effective treatments for rabbits.  DO NOT use Frontline, which is deadly.

Hope this helps.
