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Feeding abandoned babies

22 11:17:59

Dear Dr

I suppose she is quite old, around 4 yrs old. Having gave birth around 10 times in 4 years. Is it normal that rabbits do not feed their babies? I've encounter around 4 out of 10 times, the mama rabit refuse to feed the babies.

Now the mama rabbits love to drink milk. Is that common?

Thank you


Followup To

Question -
Dear Dr,

The mama rabbits is not producing milk to feed it's babies? I have tried to press the milk gland of the mama rabbit.No milk came out. The babies are quite dehydrated & their skin looks wrinkled. How do I prepare special milk formula to feed the little bunnies? They are 2 days old.

Thank you

Answer -
I don't know why she isn't producing milk, but, there's information at on how to handfeed baby bunnies.  You will need KMR, which is generally available at pet stores.

Good luck.


Mother rabbits can reject their litters for a number of reasons.  I believe Dave Lawrence on this forum could actually answer this question better for you, since we don't breed rabbits.  If she doesn't feed them, you can, there's info at on how to do this.

I've never had an adult rabbit like to drink milk, after weaning they really don't have the correct enzymes to digest it.
