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lop eared vs regular

22 10:48:41

I want to get a  pet rabbit. What are some of the differences in behavior of lop eared rabbits and regular rabbits? thank you

Hi Ashley

All rabbits have unique personalities.  You can end up with either type of rabbit that can be a complete brat or a complete doll.  Lop eared rabbits are more prone to getting infections in their ears because their ears are harder to keep clean.  This doesn't mean that short eared rabbits can't get ear mites or ear crud, you just general notice them sooner because they are right there to see.

Certain types of straight eared dwarf rabbits have a tendency to be high strung and hyper.  Flemish giants can grow up to 25 pounds but are generally one of the most passive rabbits you can get.  For the most part a rabbits behavior is going to depend on its genetic predisposition, how much it was handled as a baby, how it is treated and its general personality.  

If you were to ask me what kind of pet to get I would tell you to go to a shelter and get a rabbit that is already grown up.  One that has already been cared for by the care givers and had a personality test.  They will be able to tell you with certainty about its habits both good and bad.  You won't get any surprises and you won't find out 2 or 3 months after you get it that it is not as nice as you would have liked.  

If you insist on getting a baby then make sure you get one from a breeder that breeds for temperament.  Whether it is a lop eared or straight eared doesn't matter.  Temperament is what matters.  If you get it from a pet store then chances are it is going to have behavior problems.  These rabbits often come from 'puppy mill' type places.  The people who raise them don't handle them regularly and they only care about making a profit.  They are often sick and infested with diseases and bugs.  They will bite and are often aggressive.

Other than that there really aren't to many differences.  In the right circumstances all rabbits are loveable.  

Good luck and I hope you enjoy your new pet.
