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Neuter Questions/General

22 10:48:41

Hi, I have a 5 mo. old male mini rex.  He is a house rabbit and not allowed outside.  Do you think it's necessary to have him neutered?  Also, I've been home since I bought him, but will soon return to fulltime work.  Is it ok to leave him in the cage for that long while I'm gone?  I've been flirting with the idea of getting him a "bunny sitter" that will come to my house and play with him for 30 minutes a day, but everyone thinks I'm crazy!  Please help, thanks!

Oh yes, you'll want to have him neutered.  Once males get old enough, they'll start engaging in behaviors that aren't very pleasant in the house.  An unneutered rabbit will spray.  Spray the cage, the walls, and even his people.  Also, he may engage in what I call the "Happy Bunny Dance of Love".  Quite often spraying accompanies the "Happy Bunny Dance of Love".  I have video here that shows one of my rabbits doing the Dance of Love -  Unneutered males may also become more territorial.  It's possible your lovely bunny will become a snorting beast when you try to stick your hand in his cage.  Also, getting him fixed can increase his lifespan.

Some info about neutering, including questions to ask your vet are here -
And here's some additional info -

As for your second questions, you're not crazy, you just love your bun.

Hiring a sitter shouldn't be necessary if you have a way for him to still get exercise while you're at work.  The House Rabbit Society recommends at least 30 hrs per week of exercise per week.  Exercise means 30 hrs of time to be outside of cage.  He can choose to lounge around, or run around the house like a maniac.  The important thing is that he gets plenty of time outside his cage.  Rabbits can get very unhappy when they don't get out of their cage enough.  

Do you have a bunny-proofed room that he can be in when you're away?  
If that's not possible, puppy pens also work for giving him some exercise space.

Whatever you do, you'll want to give him something to keep his interest so he doesn't get bored and destroy your flooring, walls, or trim.  Here's some toy ideas - and  And rabbits also have a grand time tearing up phonebooks.  They're great for channeling a lot of the natural digging instincts that rabbits have.

Good luck