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Just moved, and my rabbit isnt drinking

22 9:58:38

QUESTION: I recently moved into a new apartment.  I have a 7 year old Holland Lop and since the move he has not been drinking his water.  He has moved twice before, first from the family I adopted him from when he was about a year old, and then about a year later to a new house with me.  He took to the first 2 moves fine, but seems like he is taking this one harder, no doubt because he didn't live in the first two locations for very long, then spent 5 years at my last home.

Currently he seems ok, he is being social, though a bit more reclusive then normal.  He is eating (diet consists of fresh veggies and timothy hey, no pellets) but I have not seen or heard him take a drink in a few days.  I have used both tap and then filtered water.  I have been making sure his lunch is very wet so at the very least he is getting water into his system that way, but I am concerned about the lack of drinking.

Is this just a normal response to the move that he will get over once he settles in a bit more?  Is there something I can do to help him, or make sure he doesn't get dehydrated?  Or is this serious and I should set up a Vet appointment?

ANSWER: Hi Bryan,

Honestly it could be something as simple as the fact that he does not like the taste of the water even filtered.  Keep making sure his greens are drenched and make sure he is urinating in his litter box without straining.  You can try bottled water but that may taste foreign to him as well.  Sometimes we will put a little bit of vanilla in the water and some of our rabbits love it while others hate it.  The problem is that ours are pretty accustomed to it and we do it so that when they travel to shows that they wont taste the difference.  Normally a rabbit that is not drinking will not eat.  However if you notice that he is becoming dehydrated he will need to go to a vet immediately.  In the meantime I would set up a regular appointment to have him checked over.  Although he is certainly not old he is senior and he may have kidney issues or other health issues that you just haven't noticed and did not become an issue until the stress of moving. While you are at the vet have them show you how to force feed him water in case he stops eating and drinking completely.  In that case I personally recommend a vet immediately but sometimes the water can keep them hydrated for the few hours it may take you to get there.

I am sorry your bunny is giving you problems.  I personally have seen rabbits that become so stressed during a move or travel that it seems as though it takes weeks for them to recover.  I am hoping that is all it is.

Good luck and if you need anymore help please let me know.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Thanks for the advice.  It looks like it was more of a stress thing as he has started drinking again.  But still not his normal amount, so he may also not like the taste.  We came from a house with well water and now are on the public system, so I would like to try the vanilla. He loves vanilla yogurt on those rare times when he has to have some for an upset stomach, I think he would really take to it in the water.  How much do you add?

I do take him for regular 6 month checkups at the vet.  But in this case I was hesitant to do it because if it was a problem of being nervous, the last thing I wanted to do was add to it with another hour in the car.  

Thanks again,


I totally agree about the vet. If he has started to drink again there is no need to stress him out further.  We put 1 teaspoon per gallon of water and it does the trick.  We mix it up in milk jugs and put them in the fridge.  Anything we don't use in 24 hours we toss out.  Make sure you get the real vanilla extract and not the imitation.  It will also help to reduce the smell of the urine.  

My sneaking suspicion is that other than being stressed from the move that he just didn't like the taste of the water.  Hopefully he will be on the right track now and you obviously know how to take proper care of him so he is in good hands.

Good luck
