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Dislocated Elbow

22 9:48:54

My daughter has a 3 month old lion head rabbit who jumped from my arms and dislocated her elbow.  I took her to the vet and they took xrays to confirm but were unable to put it back in place even with the rabbit under sedation.  The rabbit does not seem to be in pain, and the vet thinks she will learn to manage with it, but I am terribly upset to see this rabbit in this condition.  The breeder recommended we euthanize this rabbit but I don't want to do that unless it's absolutely necessary.  I need advice from an expert, please tell me if you have been able to successfully reconnect a dislocated joint.  
thank you.


Hi Pamela

May I ask if this vet was one who regularly works with rabbits or one who only sees them in an emergency? Often these emergency vets usually only work on cats and dogs and they treat the animals like cats and dogs and prescribe the same medications to the rabbit. In many cases, this has killed rabbits as they cannot tolerate the same medicines. Similarly, if a vet is unfamiliar with rabbits and their anatomy, then perhaps a different 'rabbit specialist' may be able to assist you. has a listing of qualified vets in Canada and the US and beyond. I definitely recommend looking into a second opinion. Bring all the paper work and try to jot down NOW everything this vet said to you so you can relay this information to your second opinion vet. she's only 3 months and if you say that you don't want to have to euthanize, but you aren't seeing any other options, they will want to save the rabbit too and will often give you their services at half the cost.

If the second vet finds that the elbow truly cannot be re-located, then Dana Krempels, who is an expert on this site as well has a wonderful article on treating rabbits with splayed legs (legs that stick out to the side like seal flippers). She has created a brace for these rabbits and it explains in the article how to make it. I think your bunny may definitely benefit from this.

This article explains that Dana replaced the cork used for the brace with vet tape.

Look into it, if you can stabilize the joint, the rabbit may have a good chance at healing on her own, or, adjusting to life with a brace.

If the rabbit is still eating, drinking, is active and playful and not constantly lying down, appearing lethargic, then chances are good that she isn't in pain and will still have a quality life with a stabilized leg. Head tilt (the rabbits head tilts to the side and occasionally the rabbit loses his balance) used to be thought of as the end of a rabbits life. I have read articles since then where rabbits adjust to life with head tilt and are truly in no discomfort. It is harder on us to watch them behaving in what is considered 'abnormal' then it actually is on the rabbit. I see no need to euthanize at this point. Try another vet, if not, try the splint.

I wish you the best of luck and feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.
