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i think my bunny is pregnant?!

22 11:07:31

Hi there, i have 2 house rabbits in seperate cages and was told they were the same sex, but no! they have ran about the house together on numerous occasions but i dont think the male has managed much as she runs away. The past few days she has been pulling her fur out in lumps, pulling all the hay and straw away from the countainer and will not settle at all. do you think she may be pregnant? thanks

Mandy More

Hi Mandy,

if your rabbits have never been spayed/neutered, then your female probably is pregnant.  The behavior you describe does conform to pregnant female behavior.  Males need only a few seconds to impregnate a female rabbit.

To be sure, I'd take your female rabbit in to your regular good rabbit vet - they can confirm whether she is pregnant or not.

Also, if you don't want to take care of lots of babies it is recommended to spay your female and neuter the male - again, by a good rabbit vet (not just any ol' cat and dog vet).

I would recommend going to the House Rabbit Society web site and browsing through their extensive articles on newborn baby rabbits and what to do, not to do, care-wise.  The page is here:


PS - if you decide not to keep all the babies, don't offer them for free.  People out there will fool you that they want them as pets when they really want them for snake food.  Ask for at least $20 - that will keep the liars away and it is on par with what shelters and rescues ask.