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Rabbits fecal matter

22 10:27:09

Hi there, I noticed that my 3 year old rabbits droppings have recently
changed color. A couple of weeks ago I noticed that she wasn't drinking much
water and her dropping were getting smaller so I got her a salt lick to
encourage her to drink more and that worked and her droppings returned to
normal but today I noticed that her droppings have turned light brown. There
not soft just light in color. I also notice that the food I normally feed her is
lighter in color this time when I bought it. I don't know if this would be the
reason why. But I have 2 rabbits and my other one that is only 6 1/2 months
seems to be fine. Could there be something more wrong that I should take
her to a vet to get checked?

Please help

Fecal color can be affected by diet or water intake.  In this case, the change of color probably isn't a problem.  But what you noticed with the water intake is of more attention.  Normally, a rabbit doesn't need a salt lick, they would get whatever they needed from their normal diet.

To increase her water intake, if you feed her veges, you can rinse them with water right before she receives them to give her additional water.

Based on her decreased water intake, you will want to be on the lookout for some symptoms that may indicate that a more serious problem may be developing with her digestive system.  If you see any of these symptoms, you should consider taking her to a rabbit experienced vet to head off any potential problems.
- eating less
- pooping less, and the poops decrease in size
- losing weight
- your rabbit hunched over, or flatten out and teeth grinding

I hope this helps