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My Rabbits

22 9:48:29

We have two dwarf rex rabbits (one male, one female)
And we keep them in an unlandscaped area fenced in. We have noticed the female getting bigger and digging burrows, pulling hair out of herself, collecting straw etc. We read up and we know that she is probably pregnant. Then one day we went to check up on them and visit and pet, and next to the female was a pool of blood. We thouroughly checked her and the other rabbits for any wounds but could find none. Then we noticed that her burrow had been covered up, and we dug it out (because we thought she had her babies and buried them alive) but our arms couldn't reach the end of the tunnel. Then when we left, the female rabbit (Poppi) came and started to dig cover it up again. On further investigation, we discovered that in the wild, they cover up their burrows to protect the babies from predators. We are completely baffled, can you shed any light on this situation? PLEASE????

ho lolli you must get to he end of the tunnel and see if she has got any babies.
if she has, keep the buck well away as he may kill them -bucks get very jealous.
if all ok just let her get on ith rearing them but its a lot easier if the doe is in a cage.
dont try and move the babies unless they are stressed.