Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > two small short patches on back

two small short patches on back

22 10:14:25

i have another rabbit a mini lop when i brush his fur and i
get to part where the fur is lower for reasons i don't know
he gets fidgety the skin looks irritated i don't think its
mites all i know is his skin is irritated and the fur on
top of the two spots have short fur (looks like it was
chewed down) do you have any advice on what to do and how
to get rid of irratation ? oh and the reason i don't think
its mites is he doesnt really have dandruff only after i
give him a real long brush down

Dear Marc,

This could still be mites or some ectoparasite.  The only way to really know is to get him to a good rabbit vet:

for a look, and possible prescription of Revolution, which will kill fleas, mites and at least two kinds of ticks.  If that doesn't work, then it will be time to look for other causes.  But by far the most common cause of signs like what you're seeing is ectoparasites that can be controlled with Revolution.  Please see:

Hope that helps.
