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Rabbit in Heat?

22 10:20:13

How do I know my mini-lop is in heat.  When she comes out of her cage she runs around us in a circle and then humps our arms if we try to pet her.  
I don't know what to expect and don't know how to calm her and help her.
We are trying to find a vet to have her fixed.  
She is very loving and in previous weeks has been quite aggressive so we haven't been able to hold her or she will bite us.
How can we help her through this.  She was born in March 08.
Any suggestions that you can offer would be appreciated.
Schick family

Dear Robin,

Rabbits don't really have a "heat" cycle.  They're receptive almost all the time, as you're finding out the hard way.  :(  Having her spayed is really the only way to help her.

Since she's now almost 6 months old, she's old enough to be spayed, and I hope you can find a rabbit-savvy vet with the list linked here:

to do the honors.  The aggression and constant sex drive should taper off within a week or two after the spay, and you all will be able to get some peace again.  Please read:

for more details on why this is such an important surgery for female rabbits in particular.

Hope this helps!
