Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > winter


22 10:39:54

hi can u help please i have 4 rabbits & am worried about the winter mths can u tell me the best way to keep them warm i have increased their straw supply    thanx

Hi Clare,

the best thing to do is keep them indoors.  They have a much better chance of not getting sick, making sure they have adequate water (no freezing outside), and more interaction with you than they would normally get being outside in the winter weather.  You also don't have to worry about them freezing paws and legs sitting on wet/urine soaked straw where the urine has frozen.  (Have heard many stories from people about this.)  Plus extra protection inside from hungry predators searching for a smaller food supply in the winter.

I do know that it is quite common for people who have hutch rabbits to bring them in during the winter months.  I would strongly consider it.
