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rabbit with splinted broken leg

22 10:18:25

Our neighborhood is full of domestic rabbits.  The other day one was at my door with a broken leg.  I took him to a vet and he splinted his leg.  We will return to the vet in7 more days. My question is can I place the rabbit in a closed off area approximately 3 x 4 with the carrier in that area.  The carrier is roughly 15 X 20 inches or larger and he has been in it for 3 days. Would the penned in area be to much exercise for him?  Thank you

Dear Vicki,

You are very kind to care for the injured bunny.  Perhaps he'll be lucky enough that you will adopt him permanently!  :)  (Maybe he broke is leg to get your attention and sympathy.)

Whether the area you describe is too much room for him to move around depends on the severity of the break, which I can't see.  It's very stressful for a rabbit to be tightly confined, so some freedom of movement is essential.  And if the leg is well stabilized, then moving around in a small area like that shouldn't do harm, as long as he can't jump up or down onto anything.

But to be sure, ask the vet about the area you've provided.  S/he will have the best knowledge of the break to judge how much freedom the bunny will gradually have.  Given proper care, rabbit bones heal quickly, so I hope he won't have to be confined for too long.

Thank you for your kindness!

Take care,