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rabbit getting tatooed-got scared- jumped and squirmed- leg popped-cant hop

22 11:19:48

Today, I was getting my rabbit's re-tattooed.
The guy holding my rabbit wasn't holding my rabbit,Milo, right. When they tatooed Milo he jumped and something popped, so they put him down and he couldnt hop very well. One of his back legs is messed up.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Dear Kalyn,

First piece of advice:  If you must have the rabbits tattooed, have it done by a veterinarian who knows enough to use anesthesia!  I cannot even begin to fathom how someone could stick needles into an area as innervated and sensitive as a rabbit ear without any anesthesia.  The rabbit wasn't just scared.  He was HURT.  Of course he jumped!

Second piece of advice:  When you have a rabbit (or any animal) who has suffered an injury like this and cannot walk properly, the LAST place to seek advice is the internet.  If you suspected you had a broken leg, would you sit yourself in front of a computer and ask someone what to do?  I hope not.  I suspect you'd get yourself to the emergency room.  You should do no less for your rabbit, and you should do it NOW, before the injury gets worse from not being stabilized immediately.

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

I hope thi shelps.
