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New baby bunnies

22 11:09:15

Hi Elizabeth, hoping you can help me? Last night at 9.30pm my little doe had two babies! Cute, pink and hairless. 10hrs later they all seem fine. I separated mom and dad just before the birth. She seems to drop a tiny spot of blood every now and then. I saw her eating and drinking after the birth last night. This morning, the babies are moving, one is very pink and fat, the other looks slightly blueish? Im not sure if I can touch them to check and what to check for? Also, if cannabalism does occur, is it immediately after the birth or could it still occur. I have seen her licking them every so often. When would be a good time for Dad to see his young and visit? Thanks so much!

Hi Lugene,
don't let the dad see them until the babies are eating on their own..about 4-6 weeks.  
 Cannibalism is unlikely at this point,just make sure you don't interfere with the nest.  If you have to check them,rub your hands on the cage floor first to get the smell of the mother on them. This way she won't be turned off her kits.
 If a kit is bluish in color,it's probably the coloring of the rabbit.  It'll be a darker color,possibly grey,brown or black.  The pink baby will probably be either white,or light grey or beige.
 good luck and enjoy...Elizabeth