Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Thumping


22 11:32:37

We have a rabbit about a year old.  He always seems very happy.  One morning, he thumped his hind legs three consecutive times.  Was he angry about something?  Also, when he greets us, he goes around us in circles and through our legs. I am guessing that he is happy to see us.

Looking forward to your answer.

Thank you.

 When a rabbit thumps his legs..this means he is trying to get your if you ever hear this happening..look at your rabbit to see why he wants you..orjust see if he is trying to tell you something. Thumpingalso means hemay be warning you about danager. But most of the time when you are with your rabbit, and you are not giving him any attention. He may thump, which means "excuse me, come over here and give me a love"

Also when you let your rabbitout and he starts running around you. This meansyour rabbit is very happy, and is playing with you.

I hope i have been able to help.

From amie