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Ears, Eyes & nose

22 10:09:20

My rabbit has a bit of a runny nose & he always snorts out of his nose, like we would if we felt something up it.
also he has runny eyes, one isn't too bad but the other is quite sticky and it solidifies at the corner.
Plus i was on the floor with bith my buns tonight ans he started scratching his ear.  I noticed it sounded wet, so i was grooming him and he let me take a look and there was something inside it, on a closer look with a cotton bud i removed a very hard lump of wax.
I had already noticed one of his ears wasnt upright anymore and it was this same ear i got the wax from.  since i removed it his ear has gone upright again?
Could he have a serious problem?

Dear Laura,

Sounds as if your bunny needs a good "once over" from an experienced rabbit vet.  He may need his ears cleaned, and he may also have other problems that are contributing to his runny eye, itchy ear and runny nose.  Please read:


since this will cover various problems that can cause sneezing and runny nose and eyes.  But also read this:

Your bunny may not have full-blown head tilt, but one ear drooping is a bad sign, and it could be related to the same types of things that cause head tilt.

You can find a good rabbit vet to help you here:

Hope this helps.
