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My bunnies make small barking noises

22 9:46:51

I have two Netherland Dwarf bunnies and they are 3 months old. Recently, we've heard them make soft 'barking' noises, kind of like a slight squeaking noise. They don't make it all the time though and we've only heard it on certain occasions.

Is this something to be wary of? We've read that it happens when bunnies are excited or nervous, or could be breathing difficulties, but we're not able to find any concrete answer.

Dear Karen,

What are the circumstances under which the bunnies make these noises?  If they are running circles and acting interested, these could be the beginnings of little, sexual "love honkings" they make when they are happy and aroused.  But without more information on the circumstances, I can't be sure.

If you think this might be due to breathing difficulties, I would get them to a good vet for a wellness check.  But even so, it sounds as if it might be time to get the male neutered, at least, or if they are both males, BOTH neutered, so fighting doesn't start.  Please see:

I hope this helps.
