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rabbit paralysi

22 10:38:05

please can you help we have a continental giant that lost weight then went off its food it has been in the vet since weds it has developed a slight head tilt and since its been there developed a paralysis of its back legs it is now eating and drinking well and has had panacur they are suggesting that we put him to sleep but tell me he is eating and drinking well i want to bring him home can you give me any advice many many thanks

Dear Michelle,

I would not euthanize him if he is eating and drinking and acting as if he wants to live!  If this is E. cuniculi (and if the vets have prescribed Panacur, then that is probably what they suspect), then the Panacur won't work that fast. It can take a few weeks before improvement is evident.

If there is no improvement, another drug such as Ponazuril might be useful, and you might wish to ask your vets about that, or finding more rabbit-savvy vets for a second opinion:

I would not give up just yet.  Please read:


Even if your bunny doesn't regain the use of his back legs, he can live a completely happy life with a little extra help from you.  We've had Hamish on a special fleece bed of luxury for more than five years:  he can't walk, but he's happy as can be, spoiled rotten, and loved by his little mate, Peace.  There *is* life after disability, as anyone in a wheelchair will tell you.

Hang in there, and please try to get the bunny home with you ASAP.  He will recover more quickly in his home setting where he's not stressed and afraid.

I hope this helps.
