Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my rabbit is biting his cage

my rabbit is biting his cage

22 9:59:45


my pet bunny
My pet bunny has a new cage which has a metal top and a plastic bottom. He has taken to biting the top quite vigorously - I think he does it when someone is in the living room because he wants to be taken out, which usually works as we like having him around us when we are in the living room. However he has also started doing this in the middle of the night, when we're all asleep. Is there anything I can do to stop him from doing that?
many thanks and best wishes

Dear Rosa,

Your smart bunny has learned how to communicate that he wants OUT, and I'm afraid there's no going back.  But this doesn't have to be a problem.  

If your bunny is litterbox trained, and if the house is bunny-proofed, why not let him run free all the time?  None of our bunnies are ever caged, and it's really not necessary, as long as bunny is a Good Household Citizen and isn't destructive.  Rabbits are often more active at night than during the day, but he likely won't make noise as he gently pads around, making sure all is well.  

Alternatively, you could dispense with the cage (which may be too small for him, which is why he's bored and wants out), and if you really MUST confine him, use a large puppy pen or exercise pen that's at least 36" square, and possibly more.  You can provide it with shelves and boxes for him to play in, equip it with litterbox and toys, and that will keep him happy and content until he's let out to play.  For even more information, go to:

and use the search engine to find ideas for housing, toys, etc.

And finally, consider letting him choose a companion who can keep him from getting bored when he's by himself.  He will have to be neutered first, and then carefully introduced to spayed girls, preferably who have been rescued...but I don't know what the situation is in Belgium regarding rescue rabbits, since I know they are often on the menu. :(

I hope some of this helps.

Good luck,
