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Rabbit Twitching/Coughing

22 9:57:55

I have a rabbit that I purchased 3 months ago, he is believed to be about 7 months old. Tonight I had him out of the cage and he started twitching, I am unsure as to whether it can be considered sneezing, and I was feeding him timothy hay covered in yogurt, which I purchased at a local pet store. When he was eating he started twitching and he started coughing, he would come over towards the bag, letting me know he wanted more, I was afraid to give him more do to this condition.

He has always been a happy little boy, when he runs he jumps around but he still twitches, I have thought of this as just a possible way of him smelling, I do not believe anything is wrong with him, he is a mini-lop if that helps at all. He is fed a diet of pellets, fruit as treats, as well as some timothy hay. When I purchased him he has always had this twitch, and until tonight when he started coughing as well was I concerned.

I don't know if this means anything, but his cage that he is kept in, I do not keep newspaper in it, I keep litter in the bottom of it, there is a divider between the tray and the actual cage, I am unsure as to whether this may have anything to do with it.

Looking forward to your response,

Elizabeth -- Patches' Mommy

Dear Elizabeth,

He might have choked on a bit of hay, if this was a one-time, transient event.  But if he's still showing strange respiratory signs, I would get him to a good rabbit vet for a complete checkup:

I have never heard of timothy hay covered in yogurt, and really don't recommend anything like that as part of a healthy rabbit diet.  Please check here:

for an overview of good rabbit diet choices.  And for all the best information on caring for your new pal, there's no better resource than the House Rabbit Society:

I hope he'll be fine, and that this helps you get him there.
