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rabbirt sickness..

22 11:17:11

Hi Sarah

i just got a baby rabit like 2 weeks ago ..
i clean her cage  everyday 2 times a day and give her food 2 times a day to... but i have a ? shes always layin down sleeping or just sitin there.. she dont play or atleast do something.. all she does is eat drink water n go to sleep ...
i always in the afternoon i take her out of the cage and carry her for a while and carry her and she falls asleep in my heads to lol.. is is normal for her not to play? and just sleep all day? or do u think its because shes sick?
i alson heard that if  u have a cut in ur hands and a rabbits pees in ur hands n it gets to ur cut u can ge cancer? is that also tru?
well i hope u get to answer my ?'z :)

have a great day *

How old is the baby? If it was sold too young (rabbits should be sold at a very minimum of 6 weeks, but 8 weeks is far better), it may be weak from the stress and sudden diet change of being taken from it's mom too early.

Is it eating and drinking okay?

Does it have toys to play with? Have you tried letting it roam around in a bigger area than it's cage? It may just be bored, not sick. Bored rabbits have nothing better to do than sleep. Rabbits love toys and time outside of the cage where they can just run around. If your rabbit is not litterbox trained, you can either get a harness and take it outside on the harness or get a puppy pen and set it up outside for the rabbit to run around in. Be sure to keep an eye on it either way. Never leave a rabbit out on a leash or in an exercise pen unattended.

You will not get cancer from rabbit urine. If that were true, there would be a lot of rabbit breeders with cancer. We get peed on all the time, and we often have cuts. If the rabbits don't get us with the claws (especially during nail-trimming time if they are not used to it, or babies sometimes bounce around extra hard while we are holding or playing with them), the equipment itself sometimes gets us. ;)