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inguinal ? hernia

22 9:55:18

is it possible to reduce an inguinal hernia with possible intestinal protrusion
with massage?
3.5 week old flemish giant male was stepped or laid on and now has a hard
hernia in the r groin area.  gurgling abdominal sounds present.
nursing/eating/drinking/pooping seem normal at this time.
vet suggests surgery if condition deteriorates.  no other advice/directions

Dear Trish,

I have not heard of anyone trying to massage such a hernia to get the intestines to pop back in, but you might want to contact a veterinary acupuncturist to see if this could be tried.  I would suggest this type of specialist since most of them are also well-versed in massage and manipulation.

If the intestine bulging into the scrotum is of any length, it might not be wise to attempt this, if there is a risk of torsion.

If this were my rabbit, I would want to find a vet who would treat it, whether by trying to pop the intestine back while bun is under anesthesia, or via surgical intervention if this does not work.  If this is a growing baby bunny, then I would not leave this to chance.  

You can find rabbit vets on the lists linked here:

I hope this helps.
