Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Re: Paring Rabbits

Re: Paring Rabbits

22 10:33:55

Can you give me some advice on pairing tro rabbits together please?????

This can be very tricky.  Some rabbits have great personalities and get along pretty quickly.  Others, not so much.

The most important thing to do is make sure the rabbits you want to get along are spayed/neutered.  It's much more difficult for rabbits to get along when they are intact.

Another important thing to do is to have the rabbits meet in a neutral spot.  Some place that neither rabbit can claim as their own.  Bathtubs are very good for this.  Have a squirt bottle handy to break up any fights.

This process can take a very long time.  You want to start with short sessions and be very aware at their body language.  Tail up, ears back, indicate that a fight may break out and you don't want them to fight.

For starting out, these sites give good tips:

This site has some advice for techniques to try when things just aren't working:

The stressing techniques discussed you really want to do as a last resort.  Stressing can be very stressful for some rabbits.  

And sometimes, no matter how hard you want them to, some rabbits just will not get along.

Hope these sites help