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mini rex coat care

22 11:26:07

I am in my first year of showing a mini rex and would like to know any secrets to keeping my buck's coat looking great for shows and keeping him from going into molt?  Thank You

A healthy diet of fresh veggies, fruits and a good pellet food like Manna Pro's "Sho" formula is the best recipe for good coat appearance.  Brushing with a soft brush will also help distribute natural oils to keep his coat soft and shiney.  There are some good shampoos and conditioners that you can find at show rabbit sites or even at shows.  Use these only when prepareing for a show and not on a regular baisis.  As for the molting question -- you want him to molt.  This is his way of getting rid of old, dry dull fur that diminishes his over all appearance.  Sure, it may harm you at a show or two, but in the long run a molting rabbit will be a better looking one than one that is kept from this natural cleansing process.
