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Shedding Fur

22 11:33:18


One of my rabbit is abt a year old.. recently he has been shedding a lot of fur.. Is there anything to be concerned abt? I understand rabbits cannot vomit hairballs and thus this can be fatal... So im afraid wen he cleans himself.. he might be swallowing a lot of shedding fur..
Pls advise.. thanks..  

You might read this article about shedding -

Lots of hay helps rabbits move the hair through, since you are correct, they can't bring them back up like cats.

You can also get Laxatone for cats and give him say an inch of that every couple of days, that also helps pass it through.

If he stops eating and you start seeing lots of poops strung together by fur, kind of like a necklace, then you need to get him to a rabbit-knowledgeable vet for treatments.

Treatments may include forcefeeding with Critical Care, or pineapple.  If it is suggested you use pineapple, it has to be fresh, not canned or frozen, and mix it with baby food carrots.  Pineapple is very acidic.

I hope that helps you out.
