Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > She behaves like her grandfather.

She behaves like her grandfather.

22 10:39:32

She the first in her cage to the food.  She runs up to people.  She trys to eat the dry cat food while the cat is eating.

Is it from her grandfather or do many rabbits behave like that?  

Hi Tom

Each rabbit has its own unique personality traits.  She sounds like a real pleasure to have around.

It is hard to say honestly what traits are inherited and which aren't.  I have had several boys who act just like their dads and several girls that act just like their moms.  It is very much possible that she gets it from her grand daddy.  There is just no scientific proof.

I hope that you enjoy your rabbit.  She sounds like a real stinker.  They are the kind that I love having around.

Good luck and if you need anything else please let me know.

