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mummy rabbit

22 10:53:13

hi there my lop ear has just had her first lot of babies. & can you believe. All are doing fine and she is an excellent mother.

My question is I would like to let her out in the run, on her own of course as Im worries she has had no exercise but should I take her away from the babies or put them in the run as well.
Many thanks, look forward to hearing from you.


Dear Katie,

Since a mama rabbit instinctively feeds her brood only once or twice a day, and then stays away from the nest to avoid attracting predators, she should be fine if you let her out in the run for a while.  She'll probably appreciate the break!

When you put her back with her babies, she will no doubt take up where she left off, and all will be fine.

Please read:

Hope that helps.
