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problems with my pet rabbit

22 11:23:49

my rabbit is losing weight, but has a great appitite for food and she is acting the same. Do rabbits need worming?

Dear Avery,

Weight loss is definitely a sign of a health problem, but it could be a number of different things.  You say she has a great appetite, but do you actually see her eat the food?  Does it disappear?  If you're not sure, then it's possible she has dental problems that are preventing her from eating, although she might be eager to do so.  Please read:

for more information on how these problems are diagnosed and treated.  To find a good rabbit vet to help you, please use the list linked here:

You don't say how old she is.  Is she drinking and urinating excessively?  Wasting can also be a sign of renal disease, and this must be diagnosed via blood work by your veterinarian.  

Intestinal parasites are not likely to cause severe weight loss unless they are present in life-threatening numbers.  Your vet can do a fecal exam to check for the presence of such parasites, and prescribe the proper medication if they are present.

Finally, a rabbit who appears thin might simply be dehydrated.  Is she getting plenty of fresh, clean water from a heavy bowl (NOT a sipper bottle, which can clog, and doesn't foster enough drinking for good health)?  Fresh, wet greens also can help keep her hydrated.  But there's no substitute for a large bowl of clean water.  If she has dental problems, they also could be interfering with her ability to drink, so please have your vet check both the incisors *and* the molars for problems.

I hope this helps get you started.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
