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my bunnies

22 10:41:38

i have two bunnies but one of them has a huge stomach and the other is really skinny i was just wondering is it is from something i did or the breed or its sick?

Dear Tina,

To find out if a rabbit is sick:

Without more information, I cannot tell what could be wrong with one or both of your rabbits.  If one is very thin, and they are in the same small enclosure, the big one could by bullying the small one, preventing her from eating.  Or the skinny one could have a health problem (e.g., molar spurs) that are preventing her from eating her food normally, allowing the other rabbit to overeat and become obese.

Please read:

and get both rabbits to a good rabbit vet right away:

for complete wellness exams, including checking for molar problems, and doing bloodwork.  You cannot do this yourself, and I know you love your bunnies enough to get them to the vet for proper care and instructions on how to get them back to normal.

Hope this helps.
