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bloody/orange mix urine

22 10:20:47

I have just notice that my male rabbits urine and changed from solid yellow to orange/bloody/yellow mix (he is not neutered) this has never happened before, can you tell me what is wrong with him, if it is some dangerous disease that needs immediate attention and what foods change his urine color??

Hello, Molly
Before we go any ferher I can help you with this Question but I would like make you aware that this is not what I am an expert in! I am just trying to help with all my expirence!

Bloody urine is rare in rabbits and rodents. Many cases of 'bloody' urine turn out to be porphyrin-pigmented basic urine or a sanguineous vaginal discharge associated with uterine adenocarcinoma, polyps, or abortion. Thick white urine containing reddish-orange pigment is indicative of an excess of dietary calcium. Red urine is a descriptive term for the condition where a rabbit's urine varies in color from the normal pale yellow to dark yellow, carrot orange, brown, or bright red. Red urine is not a medical problem. The color usually returns to normal within one to three days, although I have had a couple of rabbits take three to four weeks before their urine returned to the pale yellow color. White urine may be due to excess calcium in the diet,if it stays white for many days you may want to discuss your rabbits diet with your veterinarian. Dark urine resulting from heat stress or It is not necessary to panic when you observe a change in color of yourdehydration may require fluid therapy.Rrabbit's urine. However, hematuria can occur due to disease anywhere in the urogenital system. An unspayed female rabbit might show a bloody discharge from her vulva, or drops of blood after urination, which could be confused with urine. Either of these occurrences could be a sign of uterine cancer. An unneutered male rabbit could have genital cancer or trauma which could cause blood to appear in his urine.

From nihaam...
Well I really do hope this answers your Question! All this I wrote I do know its not what you asked! But I thoght it would be quiet handy some day!