Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Spinach


22 10:01:24

I don't give them spinach because of the high calcium. I saw on PBS that spinach holds on to its calcium and therefore not a good calcium source for human.  Is this also true in rabbits?

Dear Tom,

Rabbits have different digestive enzymes from humans, and because they are evolved to digest all types of plant matter, it is possible that they are able to access the calcium better than a human can.  I am not sure *how* much better.  But I have seen that on the rare occasions I have given spinach to my bunnies, they *always* have more calcium residues in their urine a day later.

So to be on the safe side, I don't feed them spinach.  It's pretty much the *only* type of green I really will never give them.

Hope that helps.
