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my rabbit has runny stool

22 10:36:37

i just purchased a 4week old Holland lop three days ago, all day he was fine, but just now i noticed that his poo is black and runny, i don't know what to do.. hes eating fine and drinking lots of water, i don't know if its because hes chewing on the newspaper that we have him on. what should i do?

Dear Gia,

Please read this immediately:

At four weeks of age, your bunny is much too young to be weaned, and he could be suffering from a potentially fatal intestinal infection.  Please find a good rabbit vet here:

and have this ready in case the diarrhea is very bad, especially if you can't find a vet tonight:

I hope he'll be fine, but he needs to be seen by an experienced rabbit vet immediately.  Diarrhea in a baby can kill very quickly.

Hope this helps.
