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Is my bunnie preganat

22 10:49:44

Hi I'm June I have a male and a female rabbit and I bred the weeks ago and today. I cant seem to find any signs of pregnancy.

Hi, June.

Palpation is the method of determining whether or not a doe is pregnant and should be done around 14 days after breeding. Before 14 days you have little chance of feeling the kits and afterwards you risk hurting them. The full gestation period is 28-32 days.

Palpation techniques can be described, but I would highly recommend having a veterinarian familiar with rabbits or a breeder in your area show you how to do it the first time.

Essentially what the veterinarian or breeder will show you is as follows:

You will want to gently palpate (touch) the lower abdomen using your thumb and forefinger. During this the rabbits should be sitting normally in front of you on a table. A carpeted table helps to prevent the rabbit from sliding and injuring her back. If she is pregnant, you should feel marble sized lumps.

Around 26 days a nestbox should be placed in the cage. You can find nestbox details here:

Unless you are breeding for meat ...with breeding, I also highly recommend that you only breed high quality pure bred stock that can easily be placed in show homes. There are a great deal of rabbits in shelters already that are in need of good pet homes.

Good luck!