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Safe meds for my rabbit

22 10:19:23

Dear Dana,
 I am not quite sure what is wrong with my rabbit but I think that he might have mites around his eyes.  He has very bad fur loss in between his eyes and nose bridge and it usually looks like he has been scratching there.  He also has little white dots on the outline of his eyes that kind looks like dandruff but I think they are mites.  Also I go to take care of him sometimes and he has little white "tear" looking things coming out of his eyes.
   I bought Revolution for puppies and kittens online because on a website I saw it was safe for rabbits and it would get rid of mites and I was just wondering if that is true because I want to get this taken care of but I don't want to harm my rabbit in any way. If Revolution (puppy and kitten does) is not safe for my rabbit can you give me suggestions on what is. By the way I enclosed a picture of his eye condition.  It is about 2-3 weeks old so his eyes unfortunately look a little worse now than what you see in that picture.  

Other Information- he is a male rabbit, a little over 1 year old, has white and light brown fur.

Dear Bridget,

Your description does sound like mange, but a vet should be the one to confirm this.  You can find a rabbit-savvy vet here:

You also can see pictures of advanced mange here:

to compare with what your bunny has.

Revolution (selamectin) is safe and effective for rabbits.  The recommended dose is 6mg/kg of body weight, so you'll have to find out the concentration of your solution, weigh your bunny, and calculate accordingly.  If you don't feel confident doing this, then ask the vet for some help, or contact me again with the solution's concentration and your rabbit's weight.

Frontline is deadly to rabbits, so definitely don't use that.

Hope this helps!
