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Male rabbit escaped & humped older female...

22 10:05:21

Hi Dave.
I'm just a little concerned.
I have a couple of house bunnies my male rabbit (6 months old) escaped from his cage without me knowing last night. He starting humping my Female rabbit (1 year 4 months old) who was running free in the kitchen. She has not ever been mated before. Whats concerning me is that I heard if a female rabbit does not get pregnant between 7-9 months old they will never be able to have kits, and if they are mated when they are older they can have complications and cannot give birth naturally. None of my rabbits are neutered as of yet, however my male rabbit is due to be the end of this month as the vets wouldn't touch him until he was 6 months!
I hope she is not pregnant though - it is not my intention to breed rabbits - I own them as pets.
Just wondering if you can help me.
Thanks in advance.

hi jessica what you have heard is a load of poppycock rabbits can give birth at any age .
all rabbits are classed as adults at 5 months old so yours are adults.
if she is pregnant she will get grumpy and may try and bite you -this is a good sign of pregnancy.
she must be on her own if she is pregnant as any other rabbit with her may kill the babys.
gestation is 28-32 days.