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things poisonous to rabbits

22 11:05:23

What types of human foods are poisonous to bunny rabbits?

Hi Emily,

well, I would not say they are toxic, but there are a lot of human foods that rabbits should not be fed:

1.  No dairy - they are not designed to eat dairy.
2.  No meats, eggs, fish.
3.  No refined sugar/sweets/candy at all.
4.  The green stems and leaves of tomatoes are toxic.
5.  None of the seeds of apples or any pits of pitted fruits.

Rabbits really have much more problems with the kinds of plants and flowers people may have.  You can check here for a list:

Basically the only overlap is a lot of green veggies and some whole grain products (but in very small amounts).

If you want to learn more about the diet rabbits should follow, visit the House Rabbit Society web page ( and search on 'diet' and 'nutrition'.
