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rabbit feeding problems

22 11:21:00

If that is the case then why does he immediately start eating again when he gets the mix back, piking out the same favorites he had picked out previously, and no he is not in pain. I do know a little about animals I was a veterinary technician for many years.  

Dear Nancy,

*sigh*  This is my fourth attempt at trying to help you, Nancy.  If you already know so much about rabbits, and refuse to believe what I'm suggesting to you, then why do you continue to ask me?  

Trust me.  I have worked with rabbits *specifically* for more than 30 years.  You don't have to believe me or take my suggestions.  That's up to you.  But I cannot help you if you will not listen to the voice of experience and reason.  I'm not sure why you're being so testy about this.  I am merely trying to help you.

In any case, you should not feed your bunny pellet mix containing seeds, nuts, etc.  Many bunnies will just pick out the tasty bits and ignore the rest.  Some kids will also eat just candy, if you let them.  I don't have to tell you it's not healthy.  But in rabbits, this type of behavior is *often*--if not always--related to a dental problem.  If you take the time to read the articles to which I directed you, I think they will help you.

Please have your bunny's molars checked.  As I told you before, many rabbits do not show any obvious signs of pain with this problem, but they are in enough discomfort to become picky eaters.  It will not hurt to check--and it might make all the difference in the world.

Good luck.
