Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > How do I know if my rabbit is having a false pregnancy?

How do I know if my rabbit is having a false pregnancy?

22 11:21:00

Hi, my name is Amanda. I breed my rabbit about a month ago, she pulled out her hair and made a nest.She is showing all symptoms for being pregnant but I'm not sure if she is or not. She should be giving birth tomorrow but is not acting diffrent. How can I tell if she is having a false pregnancy? Help please!

If she is just pulling hair now, she probably is having a real pregnancy. Most false pregnancies make the doe pull hair about 2 weeks after being bred. There is no sure way to tell, other than palpating (feeling for the babies, but this takes practice). Most rabbits don't change their habits at all until they are actually ready to give birth, so I wouldn't worry too much. Also, their normal day for giving birth is 28 to 32 days after being bred, so it's hard to be sure exactly what day they will give birth on.